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HL-5381 rod spring lever limit switch

The Head, Box, and Cover mate with ridged surfaces to maintain strength.

A unique Head structure provides a large OT for smooth operation.

Easy-to-wire conduit opening design.

Ideal for application in printing machines, forming machines, and light

Machines.(High Switches with high sealing characteristics, such as WL or TZ-3 Switches, in locations subject to oil, water, or precipitation.)

Models with grounding terminals conform to the CE marking.

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HL-5220 Limit Switch

Product List

Technical Parameters

HL-5381 limit switch


Rated voltageNoninductive Load (A)Inductive Load (A)
Resistance Load
Lamp Load
Inductive Load (A)Motor Load
Surge currentNC24A(under)


1.Inductive load has a power factor of 0.4 min.(AC) and a time constant of 7 msec.max.(DC).

2.Lamp load has an inrush current of 10 times the steady-state current,while motor load

has an inrush current of 6 times the steady-state current.

3.Product with spring, its usable range of operating part is within one third of the whole.

spring length from the front end of spring.


Degree of protectionIP65
Allowable operating speed5mm/s~0.5m/s
Allowable operating frequencyMechanical: 120 operations/minute  Electical: 30 operations/minute
Contact resistance25mΩ max. (initial value)
Insulation resistance100mΩ min. (at 500VDC)
Insulation strengthAC1000V, 50/60Hz, 1 minutes, homopolar between terminals
AC1500V, 50/60Hz, 1 minutes, between the charged metal parts and the ground
AC1500V, 50/60Hz, 1 minutes, between each terminal and non charged metal parts
Rated frequency50/60Hz
VibrationMisoperation10-55Hz, 1.5mm double amplitude
ShockMisoperation: Less than 1, 000m, Malfunction: 300m/S2
Ambient Temp-5℃~+65℃ (With no icing)
Ambient humidity35%~95%RH
QualityAbout 130~90g

 Operating Characteristics

Operating CharacteristicsModelHL-5000HL-5030HL-5050HL-5391HL-5100HL-5200 5220


 5330 5381

Operating forceOF   (Max)7.35N7.35N7.35N7.35N8.83N8.83N1.47N3.09N1.60N
Release forceRF   (Min)0.98N0.98N0.98N0.98N1.47N1.47N0.41N0.22N
Pre-travelPT  (Max)20°20°20°20°1.5mm1.5mm30mm

Over-travelOT   (Min)50°50°50°50°4mm4mm

Movement differentialMD (Max)12°12°12°12°1mm1mm

Operational positionOP30±0.8mm40±0.8mm

NOTE: Above data based on the lever length:31.5mm of tmaztz HL series.

OF and RF base on lever length 75mm(HL-5030)and 145mm(HL-5050).